Cooperation for Development of Cross Border Business Environment Strengthened (CODES)
Priority Axis 1: Smart investments in research, innovation and competitive entrepreneurship
Operation start date: 15 July 2024
Operation completion date: 14 January 2027
Budget: EUR 1.230.823,20
Number of partners: 5
Operation purpose and expected achievements:
Project overall objective is to enable existing and new SMEs and entrepreneurs to create new innovative products and services with upgrade of existing innovation labs in Mostar and Nikšić (for prototyping and product testing services), two new specialized laboratories for electronics and programming in Tuzla, and a new laboratory for cognitive modelling of intelligent systems in Zadar. Equipment will be procured for all innovation labs, work programmes created, mentoring support to users and trainings (in topics such as 3D printing, additive technologies, artificial intelligence, CNC processing, etc.) organized. Improvement of ICT sector in 4 existing coworking spaces in Mostar, Niksic, Tuzla and Zadar will be achieved with upgrade of Code Hubs with new IT equipment, furniture and time-scheduling management software, as well as through implementation of joint program for coworking members, organization of meetups, trainings (topics related to trends in the IT sector), organization of hackathon (Zadar) and promotional campaign. Cross-border program for pre-acceleration will support the development of innovative business ideas with creation of new work programs and marketing strategies for business incubators in Mostar, Nikšić and Zadar, and accelerator in Tuzla, with the goal to develop a 4 product prototypes and test the readiness of the teams to enter the market.
The Lead Partner (LP), Foundation for innovation and technology development (INTERA) (BA), will upgrade innovation lab Mostar with new work program, equipment (CNC metal machining center, etc.), trainings for future innovators, and cross-border support program (mentoring support) for innovators. INTERA will upgrade coworking space of Code Hub Mostar with the revised program, new IT equipment and furniture, joint program for Code Hub’s members, and organize meetups and trainings. INTERA will also develop and implement the work program and a marketing campaign for its business incubator, implement the pre-acceleration program to develop 4 product prototypes (bootcamp for representatives of 24 business ideas) together with other partners, conduct promotional campaigns, and organize project initial and final conference.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre Tehnopolis (ME) is responsible for upgrade of innovation lab Nikšić with development of the work program and procurement of equipment (3D printer, laser cutter, etc.). PP2 is also responsible for promotional campaign, trainings and cross-border support program (mentoring support) for young people (future innovators). Tehnopolis will upgrade coworking spaces Code Hub Nikšić with the revised work program and new IT equipment and furniture, organize meetups, trainings, and conduct joint program and promotional campaigns for Code Hubs members. Tehnopolis will also develop and implement the pre-acceleration program to develop 4 product prototypes together with other partners, develop and implement work program and a marketing campaign of business incubator in Nikšić.
Public company “BIT Centar” Ltd. in Tuzla (BA) will procure IT equipment (Vector Network Analyzer, Digital Storage Oscilloscope, PCs, etc.) for the establishment of two new specialized laboratories for electronics and programming in cooperation with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tuzla. PP3 will also develop a work program, organize trainings and cross-border support program (mentoring support) to allow students and professionals access to the latest technologies and innovations in the field of electronics and programming. BIT Centar will upgrade coworking space Code Hub Tuzla through revision of work program, trainers for trainings for coworking members, organization of program for coworking members in Tuzla, and organization of meetups and promotional campaign. BIT Centar will implement the pre-acceleration program to develop 4 product prototypes together with other partners, develop and implement work program and a marketing campaign of business incubator in Tuzla.
University of Zadar (HR) is responsible for upgrade of innovation laboratory in Zadar with development of the work program, new equipment for the establishment of a laboratory for cognitive modelling of intelligent systems (artificial intelligence in machine learning and cognitive computing). PP4 wil organize trainings for future innovators, cross-border support program for innovators (mentoring support) and promotional campaign. University of Zadar will upgrade coworking space Code Hub Zadar with development of the application for Code Hubs resource management, revision of the work program, procurement of new equipment and furniture, and organization of meetups, trainings and promotional campaigns.
City of Zadar (HR) is responsible for analysis of the state and needs of the startup ecosystem and development of pre-acceleration program in Zadar, development of work program for business incubator, organization of Hackathon and Cross Border Coworking Conference in Zadar, development of marketing strategy for 3 business incubators, implementation of marketing strategy and development of visual identity for business incubator Zadar, and communication activities.