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Research and innovation
Country Flag

Institute for Protection and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka

Public scientific research institute

Project Idea: Projects in the field of environmental protection, laboratory tests of water, soil, air, etc.

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: predrag.ilic@institutzei.net

Country Flag

University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Technology

Higher education institution

Project Idea: Development of an educational and production center for the production of food of plant and animal origin

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: goran.vucic@tf.unibl.org

Country Flag

Foundation KroNland


Project Idea: Eco village Transflorium

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: kronland20@gmail.com

Country Flag

Javna ustanova Lokalna razvojna agencija Matica

Javna ustanova

Project Idea: Suradnja na projektima vezanim za istraživanja, inovacije i razvoj

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: info@lra-matica.hr

Country Flag

University of Slavonski Brod, Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Slavonski Brod

Research Institution and Higher Education

Project Idea: Strengthening and modernising business support services with training, developing and or implementing new services/products using the Internet of Things and advanced manufacturing (3D printing) based on a partner´s area green/bio needs and their cross-border exchange to support green economy.

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: igrgic@unisb.hr

Country Flag

Centar za ruralni razvoj CERURA HR

Društveno/socijalno poduzetništvo

Project Idea: Društveno/socijalno poduzetništvo

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: d.ruralis@gmail.com

Country Flag

CCIRS-Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Trebinje Region

Non-governmental, independent, professional – business organization, non-profit public – legal association of business subjects and economic associations

Project Idea: N/A

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: info@tb.komorars.ba

Country Flag

Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, University of Banja Luka

Higher education institution

Project Idea: Climate change impact on water resources: development of the methodology for modelling, assessment and mitigation measures in various water management fileds (hydropower, water utility, flood risk management, etc.)

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: zana.topalovic@aggf.unibl.org

Country Flag

Western Balkan Sport Innovation Lab


Project Idea: We are open for all ideas connected to physical avtivity and population health from the reseach and innovation as well as health perspective

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: wbsilab@gmail.com

Country Flag


Non-governmental organization (NGO)

Project Idea: Educational events in the field of bioinformatics, machine learning and natural sciences in general

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: bioinform.org@gmail.com

Country Flag

Genetic Resources Institute University of Banja Luka

Public University Institute

Project Idea: Botanical garden / other..

Interested In: Leading a project / Joining a project

Contact: info@igr.unibl.org

Country Flag

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Banja Luka


Project Idea: Fostering capacities in agribusiness through enhancing innovation and agri-entreprenurial skills

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: petar.nikolic@agro.unibl.org

Country Flag

Notitia d.o.o.


Project Idea: Notitia Ltd is specialized in numerous fields, especially in implementation of EU, scientific and strategic projects. Notitia can implement many activities - communication, dissemination, promotion, visibility; research, development, innovation; analysis; foresight; strategic planning; monitoring; evaluation; quality management; workshops, conferences, trainings, events; and more.

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: matija.pucek@notitia.hr

Country Flag


Centar za edukaciju

Project Idea: Udruga je osnovana u cilju promicanja, razvitka i unapređenja rada s djecom s teškoćama u razvoju. Područje djelovanja sukladno ciljevima je pomoć i podrška djeci, rana intervencija i rehabilitacija. Udruga educira i obučava stručni kadar i roditelje u smislu kvalitetnog rada i učenja s djecom koja imaju teškoće u razvoju kroz PAP metodu (Primjerena analiza ponašanja).

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: bcavanti@gmail.com

Country Flag

City of Cazin

Local government

Project Idea: Education and training of professional staff

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: suad.rosic@gmail.com

Country Flag

NGO “Trofta”


Project Idea: Studying and saving endemic and endangered species of plants and medicinal herbs in the region of river Cemi(Cijevna). There are autochthonous spices found only in this region and we plan to locate, study, cultivate them and plant them so that they do not go extinct. At the end of the project there will be a book published including all the information about this region’s flora.

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: trofta.cemi@gmail.com

SMEs competitiveness
Energy efficiency
Country Flag

Municipality of Maglaj

Local Government Institution

Project Idea: Energy efficiency measures on collective housing buildings

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: nermin.beslagic@maglaj.ba

Country Flag

Municipality of Maglaj

Local Government Institution

Project Idea: Clean energy through solar power

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: nermin.beslagic@maglaj.ba

Country Flag

Institute for blood Transfusion of FB&H

Public health Institution

Project Idea: Strengthening Stem Cell Transplantation Programme, Establishment of energy efficiency of business building

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: aida.djozo@ztmfbih.ba

Country Flag

Blood Transfusion Institute of FB&H

Public health institution – blood bank

Project Idea: Arrangement of the building in accordance with the green agenda

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: aida.djozo@ztmfbih.ba

Country Flag

City Administration

Local Governance

Project Idea: Energy efficiency in public building or for public purposes (public lighting, feasibility studies, solar power plants)

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: biljana.smajic@lukavac.ba

Country Flag

Javna ustanova “Dom zdravlja” Zavidovići

Public Healthcare Institution

Project Idea: Adaptation of buildings to clean energy

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: polikzav1@bih.net.ba

Country Flag

PSRI Institute for Protection and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska

Public Scientific Research Institution

Project Idea: Projects in the field of environmental protection, climate change, circular economy, laboratory tests of water, soil, air, etc.

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: predrag.ilic@institutzei.net

Country Flag

Croatian hospital Dr fra Mato Nikolic Nova Bila, Travnik

Public organisation – hospital

Project Idea: Strengthening sustainable development by installing solar panels and rainwater harvesting systems

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: goran.pej@gmail.com

Country Flag

Waste Water Plant Ltd./ Otpadne vode doo

Public entity

Project Idea: Achieving energy efficiency through innovation technology i.e implementing new solution mini hydro power plant in WWP facility, increasing budget for procurement of necessary spare parts and tools; reduce possibility of disaster on facility

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: ivan.pejovic@otpadnevode.me

Country Flag

CCIRS-Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Trebinje Region

Non-governmental, independent, professional – business organization, non-profit public – legal association of business subjects and economic associations

Project Idea: N/A

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: info@tb.komorars.ba

Country Flag

DOO “Vodovod i kanalizacija” – Budva

Public entity

Project Idea: Implementation and application of SCADA software in the water and sewage system

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: marijana.stanisic@vodovodbudva.me

Country Flag

Vodovod i kanalizacija, Budva doo

Public entity

Project Idea: Equipping and establishing a laboratory for drinking water quality control

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: ana.milicevic@vodovodbudva.me

Country Flag

Javna zdravstvena ustanova Dom zdravlja Prnjavor

Public Institution

Project Idea: Investing in digitalisation of equpiment and diagnostics

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: dzprnjavor@gmail.com

Country Flag

Municipality of Novi Grad


Project Idea: Energy efficiency in public institutions

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: projekti@opstina-novigrad.com

Country Flag

Institute of Genetic Resources University of Banja Luka

Public University Institute

Project Idea: Botanical garden / other..

Interested In: Leading a project / Joining a project

Contact: info@igr.unibl.org

Country Flag

Municipality of Tuzi – Opština Tuzi

Local government – municipality

Project Idea: Energy efficiency in public building or for public purposes (feasibility studies, solar power plants)

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: adela.bahovic@tuzi.org.me

Country Flag

DOO “Vodovod i kanalizacija” – Budva

Public entity

Project Idea: Water loss management in water supply and sustainable use of water resources

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: marko.raznatovic@vodovodbudva.me

Country Flag

Kakanj Municipality

Municiplaity, Local government

Project Idea: Energy efficiency in public building or for public purposes (public lighting, feasibility studies, solar power plants); Energy efficiency in public institutions

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: ajla.cisija@kakanj.gov.ba

Climate change adaptation
Country Flag

Municipality of Maglaj

Local Government Institution

Project Idea: Risk management and reduction through infrastructural development

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: nermin.beslagic@maglaj.ba

Country Flag

Grad Grubišno Polje

Local government

Project Idea: Izgradnja vatrogasnog centra u svrhu zaštite od rizika

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: mateja.vrbanic@ra-agro.hr

Country Flag

Center for Environmentally Sustainable Development


Project Idea: Projects in the field of climate change adaptation, early warning systems, floods management, etc.

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: coor.sarajevo@gmail.com

Country Flag

City administration Lukavac

Local Governance

Project Idea: Disaster risk prevention, resilience, disaster risk management/reduction

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: biljana.smajic@lukavac.ba

Country Flag

Javna ustanova “Dom zdravlja” Zavidovići

Public Healthcare Institution

Project Idea: Climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention by equipping clinics with solar panels

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: polikzav1@bih.net.ba

Country Flag

Grad Drniš

Local government

Project Idea: Establishment of a center for prevention natural and other disasters

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: ivana.sucic@drnis.hr

Country Flag

PSRI Institute for Protection and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska

Public Scientific Research Institution

Project Idea: Projects in the field of environmental protection, climate change, circular economy, laboratory tests of water, soil, air, etc.

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: predrag.ilic@institutzei.net

Country Flag

Zavod za javno zdravstvo Bjelovarsko-bilogorske županije

Institute of public health

Project Idea: Water quality monitoring

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: ekologija@zzjz-bjelovar.hr

Country Flag

Kaštela City

Local municipality

Project Idea: Touristic revitalization of the archaeological site, the stimulation of recreation through the restoration of the mountain infrastructure, and the preservation of the environment through the reduction and control of waste disposal

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: marijana.miserda-bajic@kastela.hr

Country Flag

Municipality of Grude / Općina Grude

Local government/ Jedinica lokalne samouprave

Project Idea: Construction of a prevention and rescue center / Izgradnja centra za prevenciju i spašavanje

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: ante.busic@grude.info

Country Flag

DOO Vodovod i kanalizacija Nikšić

LLC 100% owned by the municipality of Nikšić

Project Idea: Reducing water losses and improving the quality of water supply through the implementation of joint cross-border activities

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: milijana.perovic@vodovodnk.me

Country Flag

NGO Eco-team

Non-government organization

Project Idea: No project idea

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: office@ecoteam.me

Country Flag

FORS Montenegro – Foundation for the Development of Northern Montenegro


Project Idea: Improvement of capacities for better preparedness for floods, fires and other hazards

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: ttodorovic@forsmontenegro.org

Country Flag

Institute of Genetic Resources University of Banja Luka

Public University Institute

Project Idea: Botanical garden / other..

Interested In: Leading a project / Joining a project

Contact: info@igr.unibl.org

Country Flag

Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Srpska


Project Idea: Promotion of climate change adaptation in agriculture

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: v.lemic@mps.vladars.net

Country Flag

Kakanj Municipality

Municipality, Local government

Project Idea: Projects in the field of climate change adaptation, early warning systems, floods management; Risk management and reduction through infrastructural development etc.

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: ajla.cisija@kakanj.gov.ba

Country Flag

Dobrovoljno vatrogasno društvo Kaptol

Udruga građana

Project Idea: Unaprjeđenje lokalne zajednice za reagiranje na poplave, šumske požare i druge ugroze kroz nabavu specijalizirane opreme i provođenju edukativnih programa za obuku

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: jsvoboda@dvd-kaptol.hr

Country Flag

Radio difuzni centar DOO

State - owned company

Project Idea: Establishing control points for effective wildfire prevention and monitoring

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: dusan.scepanovic@rdc.co.me

Country Flag

University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica


Project Idea: R&I, Energy, Crisis Management, Climate change adaption, Ciricular economy, Health

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: antonio.klobucar@vvg.hr

Circular economy
Country Flag

JP “Rad” d.o.o. Lukavac

Public Institution

Project Idea: Uvođenje selektivnog odvajanja otpada na teritoriji Grada Lukavac

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: varisa.moranjkic@gmail.com

Country Flag

Dairy Farmers Assoication of the Republic of Srpska

CSO representing dairy farmers

Project Idea: We are interested in projects related to Research and innovation, Climate change adaptation and Circular economy

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: uppmrs@gmail.com

Country Flag

Department for Development and International projects of Zenica-Doboj Canton

Regional Public Authority

Project Idea: We do not have a project idea to offer but would like to be a PP in the partnership

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: djenana.colakovic@zdk.ba

Country Flag

PSRI Institute for Protection and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska

Public Scientific Research Institution

Project Idea: Projects in the field of environmental protection, climate change, circular economy, laboratory tests of water, soil, air, etc.

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: predrag.ilic@institutzei.net

Country Flag

Public Utility Company Kotor

Public Company

Project Idea: Projects in the field of environmental protection, waste management, circular economy

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: zastitazs@komunalnokotor.com

Country Flag

Kaštela City

Local municipality

Project Idea: Touristic revitalization of the archaeological site, the stimulation of recreation through the restoration of the mountain infrastructure, and the preservation of the environment through the reduction and control of waste disposal

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: marijana.miserda-bajic@kastela.hr

Country Flag

CCIRS-Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Trebinje Region

Non-governmental, independent, professional – business organization, non-profit public – legal association of business subjects and economic associations

Project Idea: N/A

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: info@tb.komorars.ba

Country Flag

Municipality of Modriča

Local self-government unit

Project Idea: Intensively introduce a healthy way of producing fruits, vegetables and herbs in urban areas

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: bojana.kuresevic@modrica.ba

Country Flag

Institute of Genetic Resources, University of Banja Luka

Public University Institute

Project Idea: Botanical garden / other..

Interested In: Leading a project / Joining a project

Contact: info@igr.unibl.org

Country Flag

PROMAL A.B d.o.o.

LLC- d.o.o.

Project Idea: We are interested in waste collecting, sorting, recycling projects

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: promal.ab@hotmail.com

Country Flag

Regional development Agency for Central Bosnia and Herzegovina Region

Regional Development Agency

Project Idea: Improving waste management, separate waste collection, waste re-use, awareness raising and education of citizens.

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: marela@rez.ba

Country Flag

NGO Zero Waste Montenegro

non-governmental organisation

Project Idea: Projects related to introducing concept and methodologies of zero waste and circular economy to waste management following the waste hiearchy

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: info@zerowastemontenegro.me

Country Flag

Public Utility Company Cistoca - Podgorica

Public company

Project Idea: Projects in the field of waste management, recycling and circular economy

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: jpc_pg@t-com.me

Country Flag

Kakanj Municipality

Municipality, Local government

Project Idea: We do not have a project idea to offer but would like to be a PP in the partnership

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: ajla.cisija@kakanj.gov.ba

Country Flag

Green Sustainable Solutions

Private company

Project Idea: Utilizing waste for material and energy recovery - innovative approach for energy production from biogenic and mixed municipal waste, as well as utilization of valuable materials for recovery and reuse.

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: d.durdevic@gssolutions.hr

Country Flag

Javna Ustanova Zavod “Komanski most”

Public Institution

Project Idea: Razvoj usluga podrške u zajednici za lica sa intelektualnim invaliditetom

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: zavod@t-com.me

Country Flag

Dobrovoljno vatrogasno društvo Goranci

Udruga građana

Project Idea: Opremanje dobrovoljnih vatrogasnih društava za zaštitu ljudi imovine i prirode

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: dvdgoranci@gmail.com

Country Flag

Institute for Blood Transfusion of FB&H

Blood Transfusion Health Institution

Project Idea: Strengthening and development the Stem cell transplantation programme

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: aida.djozo@ztmfbih.ba

Country Flag

NVU Impuls

Non-governmental organization

Project Idea: Protection of mental health of children and youth

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: u.impuls.nvo@gmail.com

Country Flag

Javna ustanova “Dom zdravlja” Zavidovići

Public health institution

Project Idea: Improving the infrastructure, skills, and organisation of healthcare

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: polikzav1@bih.net.ba

Country Flag

Javna ustanova “Dom zdravlja” Zavidovići

Public health institution

Project Idea: Procuring ambulance vehicles for emergency service

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: polikzav1@bih.net.ba

Country Flag

PSRI Institute for Protection and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka

Public Scientific Research Institution

Project Idea: Projects in the field of environmental protection, safety and health, climate change, circular economy, laboratory tests of water, soil, air, etc.

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: predrag.ilic@institutzei.net

Country Flag

Croatian hospital Dr fra Mato Nikolic Nova Bila, Travnik

Public organisation – hospital

Project Idea: Regional cooperation in the function of improving health care

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: goran.pej@gmail.com

Country Flag

Ministry of Health of Montenegro

State authority

Project Idea: Telemedicine, health tourism, health care at home etc.

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: luka.djukanovic@mzd.gov.me

Country Flag

Zavod za javno zdravstvo Zadar

Public institute

Project Idea: Protection of mental health of children and youth

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: jelena.cosic@zjz.t-com.hr

Country Flag

Javna zdravstvena ustanova Dom zdravlja Prnjavor

Public Institution

Project Idea: Investing in digitalisation of equipment and diagnostics

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: dzprnjavor@gmail.com

Country Flag

Zavod zdravstvenog osiguranja HNŽ/K (Health Insurance Fund of HNC)

Public Institution

Project Idea: Prevention and protection programs of health, healthcare strenghting, telemedicine, digitalization, transfer of knowledge, Improving access to health care services

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: danijela.dzidic@zzo.ba

Country Flag

Ministry of Health of Montenegro

State authority

Project Idea: Telemedicine, health tourism, health care at home etc.

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: luka.djukanovic@mzd.gov.me

Country Flag

Zavod za javno zdravstvo Zadar

Public institute

Project Idea: Protection of mental health of children and youth

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: jelena.cosic@zjz.t-com.hr

Country Flag

Javna zdravstvena ustanova Dom zdravlja Prnjavor

Public Institution

Project Idea: Investing in digitalisation of equipment and diagnostics

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: dzprnjavor@gmail.com

Country Flag

Zavod zdravstvenog osiguranja HNŽ/K (Health Insurance Fund of HNC)

Public Institution

Project Idea: Prevention and protection programs of health, healthcare strenghting, telemedicine, digitalization, transfer of knowledge, Improving access to health care services

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: danijela.dzidic@zzo.ba

Country Flag

Municipality of Novi Grad


Project Idea: Accessibility to health services in rural areas

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: projekti@opstina-novigrad.com

Country Flag

FORS Montenegro - Foundation for the Development of Northern Montenegro


Project Idea: Improvement of health services offered to citizens through capacity building and international cooperation

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: ttodorovic@forsmontenegro.org

Country Flag

Institute of Genetic Resources, University of Banja Luka

Public University Institute

Project Idea: Botanical garden / other..

Interested In: Leading a project / Joining a project

Contact: info@igr.unibl.org

Country Flag

JZU ``Dom zdravlja`` Banjaluka

Public healthcare institution

Project Idea: Improving a mental health; improving health care in the community

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: projekti@domzdravljabanjaluka.com

Country Flag

City of Solin

Local government

Project Idea: Empowering children with developmental disabilities and people with disabilities for better social integration and improving their quality of life with the aim of better social integration in kindergartens, schools and the living environment

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: ivana.tokic@solin.hr

Country Flag

Health Insurance Fund of Montenegro

State authority

Project Idea: Projects in the field of healthcare - improving access to health care services, transfer of knowledge, creation of new IT solution, strengthening capacities, etc.

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: projekti@rfzcg.co.me

Country Flag

Zavod za hitnu medicinu bjelovarsko-bilogorske županije

Public health institution

Project Idea: Procurement emergency medicine equipment and vehicle, educations, knowledge transfer, telemedicine

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: ravnatelj@hitnabbz.hr

Country Flag

Kakanj Municipality

Municipality, Local government

Project Idea: Accessibility to health services

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: ajla.cisija@kakanj.gov.ba

Country Flag

Notitia d.o.o.


Project Idea: Notitia can implement many activities - communication, dissemination, promotion, visibility; research, development, innovation; analysis; foresight; strategic planning; monitoring; evaluation; quality management; workshops, conferences, trainings, events; and more.

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: matija.pucek@notitia.hr

Country Flag

Public Health Institute of the Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka

Public Health Institution

Project Idea: Projects in the field of public health with focus on improvement of public health through the monitoring and analysis of epidemiological data, health promotion, and disease prevention activities, as well as effective risk management during natural disasters and other emergencies. Projects in the fields of microbiology and toxicology to ensure a health-safe environment.

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: aljosa.djudurovic@phi.rs.ba

Tourism and culture
Country Flag

Municipality of Maglaj

Local Government Institution

Project Idea: Reconstruction of the market in the old town of Maglaj

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: nermin.beslagic@maglaj.ba

Country Flag

Opština Budva

Local authority

Project Idea: N/A

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: iva.bajkovic@budva.me

Country Flag

Municipality of Niksic

Municipality of Niksic

Project Idea: Ethno and eco villages

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: vojinovicigor1988@gmail.com

Country Flag

Ministry of Culture and Media of Montenegro

Governmental Body

Project Idea: Realization of projects related to protection of cultural heritage and creative industries

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: jelena.sekulovic@mku.gov.me

Country Flag

The tourist board of Herzegovina-Neretva canton

Javna institucija neprofitnog karaktera

Project Idea: Obnova kulturno historijskog naslijedja i njegova valorizacija u turističke svrhe

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: ramizbasic@hercegovina.ba

Country Flag

Department for Development and International Projects of Zenica-Doboj Canton

Regional Public Authority

Project Idea: Preservation of Cultural and Historical Heritage

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: djenana.colakovic@zdk.ba

Country Flag

Muze / Muses


Project Idea: Fields of interpretation planning, culture and tourism management, education, and museology, combining them with creativity, innovation, and multidisciplinary teamwork

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: meri.vesanovic@muze.hr

Country Flag

Montenegrin Music Center

Public institution

Project Idea: Using digitization for promoting tourism and musical heritage, producing innovative live events and promotional videos that will represents music, tourism and culture, may include the participation of musicians, ballerinas and educational activities

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: mirjana.kojic@mmc.co.me

Country Flag

Grad Drniš

Local government

Project Idea: Multimedia presentation of the cultural heritage in Town of Drniš

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: ivana.sucic@drnis.hr

Country Flag

Javna ustanova “Dom zdravlja” Zavidovići

Public Healthcare Institution

Project Idea: Support for tourist events through the availability of health care

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: polikzav1@bih.net.ba

Country Flag



Project Idea: Developing green strategic tourism intiative with a smart approach while protecting the heritage and culture of a region, incorporating innovative solutions for connecting stakeholders, destination development, leveraging the power of storytelling to captivate attention can enhance the overall tourism experience

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: martina@sekunde.hr

Country Flag

Municipality of Gradac

Local government

Project Idea: n/a

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: fondovi@opcinagradac.hr

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Kaštela City

Local municipality

Project Idea: Touristic revitalization of the archaeological site, the stimulation of recreation through the restoration of the mountain infrastructure, and the preservation of the environment through the reduction and control of waste disposal

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: marijana.miserda-bajic@kastela.hr

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CCIRS-Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Trebinje Region

Non-profit organization

Project Idea: N/A

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: info@tb.komorars.ba

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Općina Grude

Local government

Project Idea: Construction of a visitor center in an adventure park with an emphasis on virtual reality and interactive rooms

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: ante.busic@grude.info

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Zenica City Museum

Public Institution

Project Idea: Digital Medieval Revival

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: prometej.bosanski@gmail.com

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Municipality of Novi Grad

Municipality, administration

Project Idea: N/A

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: projekti@opstina-novigrad.com

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Javna ustanova Lokalna razvojna agencija Matica

Javna ustanova

Project Idea: Suradnja na projektima turističke valorizacije, promocije i zaštite kulturno-povijesne arheološke baštine

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: info@lra-matica.hr

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Grad Solin

Local government

Project Idea: Construction of a mountain lodge with an adrenaline park and a walkway through the treetops with a lookout point, educational interactive stops etc

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: katarina.babarovic@solin.hr

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Javna ustanova Razvojna agencija Šibensko-kninske županije

Development agency of Šibenik-Knin county

Project Idea: Razvoj cikloturizma kroz izgradnju i opremanje biciklističkih staza

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: antonio.karaga@rra-sibenik.hr

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Faculty of Agriculture


Project Idea: Promotion of agritourism potential among school communities

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: petar.nikolic@agro.unibl.org

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Municipality of Travnik (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Local government

Project Idea: Construction of forest adrenalin and recreation park near the city urban area for promoting healthy life and recreation sports like walking, hiking, bicycle ride etc. Aim is to make a safe, modern and natural environment for locals and tourists.

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: amir.vrhovac@opcinatravnik.com.ba

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Regional development Agency for Central Bosnia and Herzegovina Region

Regional Development Agency

Project Idea: Development and promotion of cultural and natural heritage of Central BiH Region, development of new touristic products and integration in touristic offer of the Region.

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: marela@rez.ba

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Development Agency of City of Trebinje

Local development agency

Project Idea: N/A

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: msptb@teol.net

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Udruženje građana - neprofitna organizacija

Project Idea: Izgradnja adrenalinskog parka, umjetne stijene za penjanje, pješačke šumske staze sa edukativnim stajalištima i uređenim mjestima za odmor sa klupama.

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: grana.maglaj@gmail.com

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Kakanj Municipality

Municipality. Local government

Project Idea: Preservation of Cultural and Historical Heritage; Development and promotion of cultural and natural heritage of Kakanj Municipality, development of new touristic products and integration in country touristic offer.

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: ajla.cisija@kakanj.gov.ba

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Notitia d.o.o.


Project Idea: Notitia Ltd is specialized in numerous fields, especially in implementation of EU, scientific and strategic projects. Notitia can implement many activities - communication, dissemination, promotion, visibility; research, development, innovation; analysis; foresight; strategic planning; monitoring; evaluation; quality management; workshops, conferences, trainings, events; and more.

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: matija.pucek@notitia.hr

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Gradski ogranak udruge hrvatskih dragovoljaca Domovinskog rata grada Zaprešića


Project Idea: Prijava i provedba projekata u promicanju međunarodne suradnje Republike Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: gouhddrgz@gmail.com

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Bonum Virtutis


Project Idea: Prijava i provedba projekata u promicanju međunarodne suradnje Republike Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: bonum.virtutis1@gmail.com

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Razvojna agencija Stona RAST

Business support agency

Project Idea: Natural and cultural heritage project application, sustainability of tourism, mariculture, agriculture, olive growing, civil protection.

Interested In: Joining a project

Contact: ston.rast@gmail.com

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Dom kulture ``Jevto Dedijer`` Bileća

Public institution

Project Idea: Realization of projects related to protection of cultural heritage and creative industries

Interested In: Leading a project

Contact: domkulturejevtodedijer@gmail.com