Employees of the two scientific institutes in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina strengthened its resources as received valuable equipment for their daily work. AllerShield project recognized the importance of air quality monitoring in project area, including new potential for cross border solutions to be delivered to public in real time. New vehicles for Institute of Public Health Zadar and Institute for Protection and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska Banja Luka and laboratory equipment will now enable easier and faster analysis of the concentration of allergenic pollen in pilot areas (especially pollen originating from invasive plant species). Recognizing this importance, through the Project, the Interreg programme helped these institutions to create basic preconditions for monitoring of the pollen derived from the invasive species.

“Strengthening Cross-border Solutions for Managing Allergenic Plants and Enhancing Climate Resilience – AllerShield” is one of the projects funded under Interreg VI-A IPA Programme Croatia-Bosnia and Herzegovina-Montenegro aiming at promoting climate change adaptation and resilience considering eco-system-based approaches. More about the project and partners is available here.

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