Priority Axis 2: Green investments in environmental protection and efficient risk management

Specific objective: RSO2.4. Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, resilience taking into account eco-system based approaches

The natural environment is one of the key elements of the Programme area and its diverse geographical conditions makes it an area with high biodiversity, but also very sensitive ecosystems. However, the programme area has been very much exposed to the negative effects of climate changes. There is the need to improve the capacities and knowledge of the policy makers and other sectors for increased resilience of eco-systems. The Programme will thus give priority to joint nature-based solutions and developing sustainable systems and climate change adaptation. The aim is to improve the capacities and preparedness to combat with climate change impacts and disasters and to manage the related risks.

Types of actions
The programme will focus on finding joint solutions and developing sustainable systems that will help all the relevant stakeholders to jointly promote disaster prevention and resilience, as well as the climate change adaptation.
Examples of cross-border actions to be supported (non-exhaustive lists):

  1. Development and introduction of joint climate change adaptation, cross-border disaster prevention strategies and first response plans, as well as solutions and systems for monitoring, prevention and management of potential risks (e.g., floods, wildfires, landslides, droughts, sea pollution, earthquakes, invasive alien species, etc.), including education of public and regulation of behaviour
  2. Encouraging intersectoral/interstate cooperation in risk prevention and rapid response management through development and implementation of joint protocols, procedures, approaches and measures, small-scale infrastructure preferring nature-based solutions, response vehicles, equipment, shelters, etc.
  3. Strengthening of institutional and expert capacities and raising awareness to address environmental issues, climate change and disaster risks reduction (e.g., workshops, methodologies, protocols, educational materials, joint training for civil protection units)
  4. Establishment of joint emergency centres, including small-scale infrastructure preferring nature-based solutions
  5. Development of cross-border risk assessment and disaster risk strategies for cross-border hazards such as forest fires, landslides, floods and relative sea-level change, invasive alien species directly threatening biodiversity and ecosystems
  6. Exchanging knowledge and good practices on eco-system based climate change adaptation measures and implementing pilot actions for protection and restoration towards resilient eco-systems, e.g. rivers, wetlands and sea, forests, cross-border connectivity of habitats, agro-forestry, biodiversity, landscapes, climate proofing, modelling and forecasting
  7. Testing integrated climate-adaptation solutions in pilot actions, which combine technological, ecological, social, cultural, governance and financial aspects taking into account good practices available at local, regional, national or European level
  8. Increasing climate resilience of critical infrastructures and cultural/natural heritage sites (including building resilience of forests to climate change and maintain forest carbon stocks and sinks, including afforestation, reforestation, restoration/rehabilitation) through improved risk preparedness and risk management plans
  9. Integrating climate change aspects into water management strategies and their implementation on local, regional and interregional level (considering e.g. water quality, flooding, rainwater management and water retention, water scarcity, potential of soft and infrastructural measures related to drinking water supply including smart water pricing and water drainage systems with waste-water treatment, ground water, forecasting, climate adaptation solutions such as preservation of wetlands, reforestation and preservation of natural floodplains)
  10. Sharing knowledge and developing solutions for climate proofing the agricultural and forestry sectors to increase their resilience towards e.g. droughts, outbreaks of pests, invasion of alien species, including vulnerability assessment of the sectors
  11. Developing solutions for strengthening eco-system services for human health and wellbeing to support social resilience and counteracting socioeconomic impacts of climate change, e.g. by implementation of green infrastructure, green building principles and sustainable rainwater management, especially in urban areas.

Allocation: 23,005,000.00 €

Main target groups
The programme will target the key stakeholders capable of planning and implementing climate change adaptation and risk prevention and responses. These are:
– public authorities (national/regional/local level) and bodies governed by public law
– sectoral agencies and environmental institutions active in or responsible for environment protection and risk prevention and mitigation
– first responders, including rescue organisations and different civil protection organisations
– public energy actors (agencies, operators and facilities)
– public providers of communal services
– research and innovation institutions
– education organisations (universities, faculties, schools)
– regional and local development agencies
– NGOs and associations in the field of environment protection