Monitoring interaction between the ground and surface Water to improve the sustainable agricultural resilience to climate changes impact in coastal systems (MoWaCLIM)

Priority Axis 2: Green investments in environmental protection and efficient risk management
Operation start date: 1 September 2024
Operation completion date: 31 August 2027
Budget: EUR 1.514.937,44
Number of partners: 5

Operation purpose and expected achievements:
Rising sea levels due to climate change are causing coastal flooding, increased erosion, and saltwater mixing with freshwater. This is threatening crops and making it harder to produce food, especially in the Neretva Valley, which is the biggest coastal agricultural area in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
To address these issues, the MoWaCLIM project is introducing modern tools and technology to help farmers adapt. It’s setting up a system to monitor key climate factors and the quality of surface and groundwater, which are crucial for understanding ecosystem changes.
The HydroAgroCloud IT solution provides insights into local conditions and the impacts of climate change on farming, helping farmers to enhance resilience. While starting in pilot areas, this approach has the potential to expand and support more regions facing similar challenges.



The Lead partner (LP), Dubrovnik-Neretva County (HR) brings huge experience in EU funded projects, especially those related to the development of agriculture and environmental protection. Also, the LP is in charge of development of the Strategy and Action plan to empower the sustainable agricultural resilience in the Programme area.

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Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy, University of Split (HR) as a highly experienced in environmental monitoring and modelling of water resources in the coastal areas is responsible of geochemical analysis of the water samples and establishment of the groundwater monitoring.

Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food (HR), has direct contact with agricultural producers and provides their inputs important for the project. Likewise, it can effectively inform producers and disseminate project results. A detailed field survey together with a soil and plant analysis are among the most valuable contributions to the project.

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (BA) is focusing on concrete activities on sustainable water management and adaptation of the water sector and agriculture to predicted climate risks. Their main contribution, along with development of strategic documents, is development of the mobile/web application.

Nature park Hutovo Blato (BA) as a pilot area is acquiring and installing equipment for biological monitoring as well as organizing thematic workshops.