Sustainable Tourism for Waterresources and Trails (GREENPULSE)

Priority Axis 4: Sustainable and inclusive tourism and culture
Operation start date: 1 January 2025
Operation completion date: 31 December 2026
Budget: EUR 1.348.068,72
Number of partners: 3

Operation purpose and expected achievements:
The project aims to develop new and upgrade the existing trails consisting of pedestrian and bicycle routes along water resources in the targeted cross-border area in order to diversify the tourist offer with relevant products and services. It plans to enhance a coastal bicycle path on the maritime area in Makarska (HR), establish a bicycle and pedestrian path along the marsh in the Nature Park “Hutovo Blato” (BA) and enhance a pedestrian path on the maritime area of the Nature Park “Katič” (ME). All these paths will be equipped with facilities such as rest areas, bike parking, information boards, benches, bins, picture frames, and interactive content for visitors. Furthermore, an offline mobile application will be developed, which will entail various multimedia content provided for tourists visiting these paths. Apart from that, 18 trainings on various relevant topics will be provided for tourist workers in the targeted cross-border area with the aim of developing new tourist offer based on principles of sustainable tourism. The project also foresees development of a cross-border document titled “Sustainable Tourism Destination Management Strategy“ and plans to create a set of recommendations to all project partners with the aim of improving their tourist offer.


City of Makarska as Lead partner is responsible for coordinating communication among partners, conduct risk assessment, and ensure compliance with regulations. The role of the Lead partner involves coordinating all aspects of the project, including planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring, and reporting. The City of Makarska is also in charge of leading the implementation of activities related to the development of sustainable tourist routes, i.e. infrastructural works on the existing bicycle path in Makarska and equipping it with tourist facilities.

Public company Hutovo blato Nature Park ltd. is responsible for adaptation of macadam mountain hiking and biking trails, acquisition of electric bicycles and electric vehicles for people with disabilities, implementation of various workshops and trainings, and creation of the “Sustainable Tourism Destination Management Strategy“ in cooperation with various experts and partners. The project partner will also carry out digital promotion of the project for all partners, create photos for the purposes of creating an e-guide and mobile application, as well as a promotional video of the project.

Public Enterprise for Coastal Zone Management of Montenegro is responsible for implementation of a pilot action to support cross-border innovations. In accordance with that, the project partner will carry out mapping of local stakeholders, identification and analysis of local content and services, collection of information and analysis of best practices, implement trainings for service and content providers, develop and test a mobile application for innovative, green tourism offers on tourist routes, and acquire modern tourist equipment for existing walking trails located in Budva and Bar municipalities.