A cross-border approach to improve landslide risk assessment using LiDAR-based landslide inventory (LADY)

Priority Axis 2: Green investments in environmental protection and efficient risk management
Operation start date: 1 October 2024
Operation completion date: 30 September 2027
Budget: EUR 2.385.336,00
Number of partners: 6

Operation purpose and expected achievements:
The overall objective of the LADY project is to enhance cross-border resilience and prevent the risk of landslides induced by climate changes in targeted areas. To address this issue, one of the main and most challenging tasks is to provide a detailed inventory of landslides in a large area, and the initial activities will be related to the creation of an inventory of landslides using LiDAR technology. The hand-made inventory will serve as the basis for the development of a machine learning application, which will automate the process of creating a landslide inventory and ensure objective results. The project will also develop a standardized methodology for landslide risk assessment, which will enable more effective risk management. In addition to technical aspects, the project also aims to raise awareness of landslide risks and disaster preparedness among various stakeholders, from school-age children to the general public.



Croatian geological survey (HR) is responsible for coordinating the development of Guidelines for manual LiDAR-based landslide inventory and completing the manual LiDAR-based landslide inventory for Croatia. Also, Lead partner is in charge of coordinating the field data acquisition in Croatia, maintaining the web portal “Report a landslide”, testing the applicability of developed machine learning software applications and participating in the development of the methodology for landslide risk assessment. Additionally, it will participate in educational workshops and project conference and coordinate promotional and communication activities. The Lead Partner also coordinates project partners in day-to-day implementation of activities to ensure effective project implementation.

Beneficiary’s social media:    

Faculty of  Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering (BA) is responsible for participating in the development of Guidelines for manual LiDAR-based landslide inventory, completing the manual LiDAR-based landslide inventory for BA, participating in the field data acquisition in Bosnia and Herzegovina, testing the applicability of developed machine learning software applications, participating in the development of the methodology for landslide risk assessment, participating in landslide risk assessment for the area of Brčko District and organizing stakeholder workshops and meetings.

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (HR) is responsible for LIDAR data analysis utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, development of a software tool that leverages artificial intelligence for the automatic analysis of landslides in LIDAR data, and dissemination of project results to scientific community.

Ministry of the Interior (HR)  main role in this Project is to develop the risk assessment methodology and coordinate the risk assessment. Furthermore, Ministry is coordinating all raising awareness activities of Croatian partners.

Development-Guarantee Fund of Brcko District (BA) is responsible for collection and analysis of the data related to the Brčko District for the development of Guidelines for manual LiDAR-based landslide inventory. The partner also participates in the development of the methodology for landslide risk assessment and landslide risk assessment for the area of Brčko District.

Rescue and Protection Directorate of the Ministry of the interior of Montenegro (ME) is responsible for collection and analysis of the data related to the Montenegro for the development of Guidelines for manual LiDAR-based landslide inventory, participates in the field data acquisition in Montenegro, participates in the development of the methodology for landslide risk assessment, participates in landslide risk assessment for Montenegro and organizes raising awareness activities.