Self-sustainable Multisensor System for Monitoring Water Quality in Inland Waterbodies (SMART-Water)

Priority Axis 2: Green investments in environmental protection and efficient risk management
Operation start date: 1 August 2024
Operation completion date: 31 July 2027
Budget: EUR 1.532.652,51
Number of partners: 5

Operation purpose and expected achievements:
Project overall objective is to improve the procedures for monitoring and inspecting the quality of inland waters (lake waters) using artificial intelligence (AI) models and sensor integration by analysing geospatial data obtained through sensors and satellite monitoring. The project will enable continuous monitoring of the physical and chemical characteristics of water in three pilot water areas: Croatia’s Vrana Lake, Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Deran Lake, and Montenegro’s Skadar Lake. A comprehensive water sampling and inspection scheme will be designed through the preparation of monitoring guidelines that will take into account all climate parameters.



Apart from the overall project management, the Lead Partner (LP) Ruđer Bošković Institute (HR) is responsible for GIS database development (satellite and aerial data collection and management), historical data analysis, defining potential water quality risk indices, for water sampling, and in situ measurements.

Beneficiary’s social media:    

University of Zadar (HR) will develop water quality prediction modelling using remote sensed imagery, and collect available official data and layers already realized at national and regional level. Based on the defined methodology, detailed reports will be generated on public perception of water quality for selected lakes.

Public Company Nature Park Hutovo Blato (BA) ltd will participate in the development of a methodological framework for monitoring and assessing the quality of water. Hutovo blato is one of the three project pilot areas for sampling and monitoring of the water quality.

Institute of Hydrometeorology and Seismology (ME) will also collect historical meteorological and hydrological data necessary for future modelling that is planed trough project activities. PP4 will also conduct a series of educational workshops on the impact of climate change and anthropogenic influence on future inland water quality.

Environment Protection Agency of Montenegro (ME) will mainly focus on organizing workshops and development of an action plan to increase resilience to climate change.


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