Sustainable tourism for local development (SUSTOUR)
Priority Axis 4: Sustainable and inclusive tourism and culture
Operation start date: 15 September 2024
Operation completion date: 14 March 2027
Budget: EUR 1.908.830,30
Number of partners: 4
Operation purpose and expected achievements:
The project aims to promote sustainable economic development, social inclusion, and innovation through the improvement of cultural heritage and the promotion of sustainable tourism activities in the Adriatic hinterland. It is planned to establish heritage register, implement heritage valorisation and carry out mapping of tangible and intangible heritage in the targeted cross-border area. Project also foresees to establish a new visitor infrastructure and attractions in Herceg Novi (renovation of the South Tower within the city’s historical walls and setting up an interactive and educational trail in Nature Park “Orjen”) and in Drniš (creating visitor installation at Gradina Fortress and renovation of the Old Mill). Furthermore, project partners will organise authentic agro-touristic and cultural events for visitors in Skradin (Agro-Tourism Fair), Drniš (Rural Fest), Blidinje (Gastro Fair), West Herzegovina Canton (Days of Cultural Tourism) and Kameno (Domestic Cuisine Fair). A series of educational events will also be organized for tourism workers from the targeted cross-border area.
The City of Drniš (HR) will carry out a series of activities aimed at revitalizing cultural heritage – such as the installation of three mill plants in the Stara mlinica in the Čikola river canyon, the installation of multimedia content at the Gradina fortress, the installation of digitized content at the Competence Center in Pakovo Selo, the organization of cultural event “Rural fest”, setting up a theatre production for the staging of a historical love story and procurement of historical costumes, and numerous other educational and promotional activities.
County of Šibenik-Knin (HR) is responsible for drafting the Action Plan for the modernization of the Agrotourism Fair in Skradin, procurement of equipment for the purpose of modernizing the Agrotourism Fair in Skradin and organization of trainings, workshops and production of promotional materials with the aim of improving the tourist offer.
Tourism organization of Herceg Novi (ME) is responsible for enhancing the tourism experience at the Old Town towers in Herceg Novi and the scenic hinterland of Herceg Novi. To this end, the partner is in charge of restoration works on South Tower in the old city centre of Herceg Novi and equipping it with LED screens, procurement of equipment and organization of the Fair in the village of Kameno, near Herceg Novi, organising exhibition in South Tower, and other educational and promotional activities.
Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of West Herzegovina Canton (BA) will collaborate with partners on various aspects, including creating a Digital database of all cultural and historical sites of West Herzegovina County, developing a communication package for the project, promoting the campaign through a project-guide of cultural and historical sites, and creating tourist information panels for the county’s site. Additionally, the partner is responsible for conserving four medieval necropolises in the region and jointly develop an investment platform for cultural heritage.