On 25 September 2024, the kick-off conference was held in Žepče where the Healthcare Equity and Access for Resilient Targeted Support-HEARTS project was presented.

The leading partner in this project is Vukovar-Srijem County Community Service Center (HR), while the other project partners are Public institution “Medical centre and the infirmary” Žepče (BiH), Development Agency Žepče (BiH), Vukovar-Srijem County Development Agency (HR), NGO “Association of Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities – Podgorica”.

The main goal of this project is to ensure equal access to health care for children with developmental disabilities through early intervention programs. The project will address the problems of children with developmental disabilities, their parents and caregivers through multidisciplinary support from various professionals such as healthcare providers, psychologists, speech therapists, physiotherapists, educators and social workers. At the same time, this project will systematically invest in the education of specialists and better organization of the system through programs involving children in therapeutic procedures.

The project will provide the necessary prerequisites for the development of early intervention services and programmes through several activities oriented to engaging and employing experts in relevant partner institutions. Education of parents as well as coordination of specialists will be ensured, and the procurement of specialized equipment for centers for working with children with developmental difficulties and their families. It will enable networking of experts and exchange of information, as well as the process of consultation through the creation of a web platform.
A special component of the project is the formation and equipping of a total of three specialized mobile teams for field work, which will ensure the necessary professional support to families in remote areas and those in unfavorable socioeconomic status.

Total budget: EUR 1,716,255.00
Project duration: 30 months

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