Health Center Mostar (Dom zdravlja Mostar), has published local open tender for a supply contract „ Sanitary vehicles with full medical equipment“ within the project “Race for life“, Contract number HR-BA-ME415, in Mostar with financial assistance from the Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia-Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2014-2020, reference number RACE-37-T5/20. The tender dossier is available from The deadline for submission of tenders is 07/07/2020 10:00h. Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on

The final conference of the Interreg IPA cross-border Programme Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2014 – 2020
At the final conference of the Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2014-2020, entitled “Shaping the future together” which was held on 12 December