Project centrikomNET is focused on strengthening the business support infrastructure and services in particular at local level through the creation of business zones and incubation centres including increase of competitiveness in growth sectors, such as agriculture, tourism, SMEs and similar. The project will establish two demonstration and educational fields, one in the Republic of Croatia (Municipality of Stari Jankovci) and the other in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Municipality of Žepče).
Development Agency Žepče, as one of the partners in the project, is working on the establishment of a demonstrative educational field (DEP) in agriculture. The demonstration field will be established on area of 3,000 m2 and will contain 16 fruit species that are most represented in the Municipality of Žepče and for which there is a need for advisory services by agricultural producers. The orchard will contain a complete infrastructure with an irrigation system, anti-hail nets, anti-frost system, agrometeorological stations as well as mechanization and maintenance equipment.
Completion of works on the establishment of the DEP is planned for the end of November 2021.
The main goal is to provide farmers with relevant information and advisory support with which they will at a given location, in certain production conditions, using optimal protection and fertilization measures, minimal, targeted and planned use of pesticides, selecting the best species and varieties suitable to achieve the maximum yield and quality of products for a certain area.
On the other side, project partner Union of Employers of Montenegro, as part of its regular activities within the project conducted training “Management of human resources in tourism”. The training was tailored for managers of small and medium enterprises, employees who want to improve their skills in the field of human resource management in tourism, as well as people who are unemployed and want to learn new or improve existing skills and knowledge.
Twelve participants completed the training and this was the first in a series that the Union of Employers of Montenegro will conduct and implement in order to empower as many people with the necessary competencies as well as create a favourable business environment.