On Tuesday, 12 July 2022., in the premises of the Sisak Creative Industry Center, the final conference of the CROWN project was held together with entrepreneurial conference and virtual job fair. Project CROWN was over the past two years jointly implemented by the Development Agency of the Sisak-Moslavina County SI-MO-RA, as the Lead partner, and the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center Tehnopolis and INTERA Technology Park as project partners.
The conference began with welcoming speeches, during which the attendees were addressed by Andreja Šeperac, director of the Regional Coordinator of Sisak-Moslavina County, Vedran Šimunović, director of INTERA Technology Park, Ivan Celjak, prefect of Sisak-Moslavina County, and Nataša Tramišak, Minister of of regional development and EU funds. The importance of regional and cross-border networking was emphasized, as well as the creation of a foundation for further development of the economy and business environment in the region.
Furthermore, project results were presented by the members of project team members to all guests. They referred to work packages, developed materials, organized events and implemented activities that for two years emphasized the development of entrepreneurship in Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. All previously mentioned one of the candidates Josipa Bencek confirmed from the first hand on their example. The conference program also included a presentation by Nikola Nikšić, who presented the state and potential of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship in Sisak-Moslavina County, as well as Aleš Pevac, who spoke about entrepreneurship in Slovenia with some advices for development of entrepreneurship in Sisak Moslavina County that recently suffered a lot from the consequences of the earthquake. The conference ended with the presentation of the entrepreneurship development plan for SMC and a round table where representatives from business support institutions and entrepreneurs (Tihomir Babić, Hrvoje Balen, Mihaela Munko and Jurica Vuković) commented on the presented plan and discussed about development of competitiveness and a stimulating business environment in SMC.