Within the project Innovative technologies for stronger businesses and improved business environment – iNnovaNet, co-financed through the Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2014-2020 and implemented by project partners Zenica Development Agency ZEDA Ltd, Industrial park Nova Gradiška, Ltd. for development and investment, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre Technopolis and the City of Gradiška, the cabinets for mechatronics, CNC and robotics in the Technical School Gradiška are equipped.
A great technological breakthrough was made at the Technical School in Gradiška, important not only for the school, but also for the city area and the entire region. The latest technological generations valuable equipment in the field of pneumatics, hydraulics and electronics have been installed in a state-of-the-art mechatronics cabinet.
Also, the cabinet for CNC and robotics was equipped with a CNC lathe for metal processing and a robotic cell.
More information about the partners, project and project activities can be found at the following link: http://www.gradgradiska.com/aktuelni-projekti-2/