Kick-off meeting of the project NAUTICA CBC – Strengthening, innovation and promotion of the nautical tourism offer and cultural heritage by cross-border cooperation was organized online on 31 March 2021 by the Lead partner University of Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (Croatia) and project partners: Split and Dalmatia County Port Authority (Croatia), University of Montenegro and Tourism Organisation of Kotor (Montenegro).
The objective of the meeting was to present a general overview of the project, including issues such as budget analysis per partner, project outputs, target groups, reporting periods, work packages and time frame.
NAUTICA CBC is implemented within the Priority Axis 3 – Contributing to the development of tourism and preserving cultural and natural heritage. The main objective of the project is to strengthen, diversify and integrate the cross-border tourism offer in the Programme area through the development of a new tourism product, and the adoption of new knowledge and sectoral skills. As part of the project, an innovative mobile application will be developed for nautical tourists and tourists without cars. Also, training will be held for 60 people from Croatia and Montenegro in the field of quality assurance and destination management. One of the most important activities is the improvement of tourist infrastructure for nautical and car-free tourism in Stari Grad (Croatia) and Kotor (Montenegro), through purchase of equipment, as well as the development and promotion of traditional gastronomy in the cross-border area by developing a digital interactive cookbook “Taste of Tradition”, which will be part of a joint mobile application for nautical tourists “NAUTICA CBC”.
Project NAUTICA CBC is co-financed by ERDF and IPA II funds of the European Union through Interreg IPA CBC Programme Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2014-2020. The total value of the project is EUR 628.712,28, out of which EUR 534.405,42 is co-financed by EU Funds. The project will be implemented in 23 months.