Kick-off meeting of the project COOPeR – Enhancing competitiveness of olive production in the program area through cross border cooperation was organized online on 10 March 2021 by the Lead partner City of Mostar and project partners: Croatian Chamber of Economy, Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation of Split-Dalmatia County, Chamber of Economy of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Olive Growers Association “Boka” from Boka Kotorska.

The objective of the meeting was to present a general overview of the project including issues such as budget analysis per partner, project outputs, target groups, reporting periods, work packages and time plan. The meeting was also used for completion of the official set up of Steering Committee as the main regulating and decision making body at project level.

COOPeR was approved within the Priority Axis 4 – Enhancing competitiveness and developing business environment in the Programme area. The main objective of this project is to establish a center for olives with a laboratory that will directly contribute to the programme goal by strengthening the competitiveness and business environment development in the programme area.

Project COOPeR is co-financed by ERDF and IPA II funds of the European Union through Interreg IPA CBC Programme Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2014-2020. The total value of the project is EUR 884.677,75, out of which EUR 751.976,07 is co-financed by the EU. The project will be implemented in 24 months.

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