The online kick-off conference within the project PA.CON was held on 30 June 2021 in organization of the Development Association NERDA and in coordination with the project partners Municipality of Nijemci, City of Tuzla, Center for Protection and Research of Birds Podgorica and Public Company National Parks of Montenegro. The event gathered 86 representatives of project target groups including relevant ministries, local authorities, tourist boards and agencies and other stakeholders involved in programming and implementing project initiatives in tourist sector.
Main purpose of the Conference was to present the project outline and its main goals and objectives, but also to introduce the expected results and activities as well as the achievements in implementation. Project PA.CON aims to contribute to the development of sustainable tourism by utilization and activation of unused natural resources of the cross-border region. It will be achieved through the renovation and restauration of 3 natural assets in Nijemci (Croatia), Tuzla (B&H) and Skadar Lake (Montenegro), but also through the capacity building activities aimed at strengthening the skills and capacities of key stakeholders in destination management and quality assurance. The added value of the cross-border cooperation will be in utilization of common natural assets and bird fund as the tourism potential to attract new visitors.
The conference is the first in series of public promotional events that will be organized within the Project with the main goal to introduce the relevant stakeholders and wider public with the project outcomes and promote the joint cross-border tourism offer.
Project PA.CON is co-financed by ERDF and IPA II funds of the European Union through Interreg IPA CBC Programme Croatia-Bosnia and Herzegovina-Montenegro 2014-2020. The total value of the project is 1.870.267,92 and the amount of 1.578.319,07 EUR is co-financed by the EU. The project will be implemented in 24 months. More information about the project may be found here: