Third competence center opened within the CompetenceNET project

As part of the CompetenceNET project a new Competence Center was opened in Podgorica on 19 December 2018.

The CompetenceNET project seeks to bring new infrastructure, services, training programs and develop networking models with the goal of improving competitiveness and business environment in the cross border area. The project will establish three competence centers in Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Following the opening of Competence Centers in Stari Jankovci and Žepče, Podgorica’s Center is the final and last one to be opened within the project.

The Center was officially opened by the Mayor of Podgorica Dr. Ivan Vuković and President of the Montenegrin Employers Federation (MEF) Svetlana Vuksanović.

The main goal of the Competence Center Podgorica is to contribute to the development of micro, small and medium enterprises through training and mentoring activities for enterprises and unemployed young people. The Center will focus on business competences development and the introduction of new technologies in our cross-border area. In this way, the Center will help strengthen entrepreneurship and encourage young people to start developing their own, creative business ideas.

The CompetenceNET project is implemented by the Development Agency Žepče (Bosnia and Herzegovina) as the lead partner, the Montenegrin Employers Federation (Montenegro), Municipalities of Stari Jankovci and Tovarnik (Croatia).

For updates on new project activities, follow the CompetenceNET Facebook page.

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