Primary Health Care Centre Podgorica was the host and organiser of the third “Train the trainers” workshop held on 28 July 2021. The workshop named “Contemporary findings in palliative medicine” was held in the amphitheatre of the Institute of Public Health in Podgorica.
The opening word was given by the Montenegrin Health Minister Jelena Borovinić Bojovic, who pointed out the importance of further development of palliative care in Montenegro. The Director of the Primary health care centre Podgorica, Mr. Danilo Jokić, thanked the partners for their cooperation and stated that this important and very sensitive type of care requires exchange of good practice and additional education towards a more efficient and better application of palliative medicine in the primary, secondary, and tertiary health care system in Montenegro.
Experts, Prof. Veljko Đorđević, MD, PhD and Prof. Marjana Braš, MD, PhD, professors from the University of Zagreb School of Medicine with many years of experience in palliative care, held a lecture “Contemporary findings in palliative medicine”. Through an interactive approach to the workshop and case reports, lecturers presented the development of palliative care throughout history, defined basic concepts in palliative care, emphasized the specifics of communication in palliative medicine and presented psychiatric and psychological aspects of palliative care.
Participants of the workshop were representatives of the health centres from all Montenegrin municipalities, representatives of the Institute of Public Health, the Institute for Emergency Medical Assistance and health workers of the Primary Health Care Centre Podgorica. Trained doctors and nurses from Primary Health Care Centre Podgorica will become members of the palliative care mobile team once it is formed.