Heritage route

From Trappists to Border guards

706.517,08 EUR



Drawing upon the cross-border tourism offer which is seen as divided, disconnected and with a small number of overnight stays, the Heritage route project proposes new tourist routes and destinations. The partners from Lipik and Garešnica in Croatia and Banja Luka in Bosnia and Herzegovina have focused on the heritage of the project area. They plan to create 116 km long thematic routes by valorising cultural, historical and natural heritage assets of the cross-border area, especially Garešnica’s ethnographic history, Lipik’s culture and water routes of border guards that once resided in these areas, and the Trappist history of Banja Luka.


The lead partner, City of Lipik (CRO), will focus on popularizing Lipik’s history by organising historical exhibitions, developing interactive maps, drafting joint tourism packages on Lipik’s surroundings and presenting project findings to tourists, tour operators and agencies. Moreover, project contributes to the touristic potentials of Lipik and will enable interior decoration of the church tower (St. Francis of Assisi) that will be used as an exhibition area and a viewpoint.

City of Garešnica (CRO) will be responsible for joint activities regarding training sessions, exchange visits, preparing sustainability plans and project promotion. Specifically, the partner will collect, renovate and catalogue artifacts related to the life of border guards in Garešnica and present them in a form of  an ethnographic collection. The partner will educate local stakeholders on making local souvenirs from natural materials.

Diocese of Banja Luka-Caritas Banja Luka (BA) will develop the model of managing and branding a typical product – the original Trappist cheese. As part of the project, a Trappist monastery in Banja Luka will be renovated and promoted to visitors coming to Banja Luka.


Partners of the Heritage route project have organised a series of educational and promotional events to promote local tradition and develop new tourist products.

Photos, videos and materials published on this website are property of the Heritage route project and are used with the permission of project partners.

Project partners can be contacted via project website: http://heritageroute.eu/kontakt/

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