Improved practical lessons and interactive teaching through ASIQ project

Public Institution Center for Education and Upbringing and Rehabilitation of Hearing and Speech and Public Institution Center “Protect Me” from Banja Luka, significantly improved educational process, especially practical lessons for students enrolled for the profession of hairdresser and agricultural producer thanks to funds approved within the project ASIQ. 

By purchasing materials and equipment for hairdressers and machines for agricultural producers, each topic realized through practical classes is better approached and explained to the students. It is especially important that during their stay at home, students can apply their knowledge and help their parents and friends (mow the grass, trim the garden, cut someone’s hair).

Also, Elementary School Voštarnica – Zadar purchased new working tools – Smart screens for quality and interactive teaching and working with students. Five interactive screens were procured from the project, and another 11 from other sources, and now all classrooms are equipped with this interactive technology.

With smart screens, it is possible to display a large amount of interactive content adapted for schools, with possibilities for storing and sharing the lessons with colleagues and students. According to the latest research, the Smart screens helped extremely quickly in teaching and working with students with disabilities because, in addition to being instruments that enable the individualization of all teaching content, they have extremely strong motivating effect.

More pronounced visual and auditory stimulation encourages students to actively participate in seeking information related to a particular topic and while solving tasks. By using an interactive screen, the teaching process is improved in several ways: it improves the motivation and enthusiasm of students, and it is suitable for different learning styles and student needs.

More information can be found on the following links:

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