On 22 April 2021, online kick-off conference was held within the project Enhancement of competitiveness of transnational business competence centers and networks – centrikomNET, organized by the Lead Partner – Municipality of Stari Jankovci together with partners Municipality of Tovarnik, Development Agency Žepče, Montenegrin Employers Federation and Competence Centre d.o.o. The online conference gathered 45 representatives of project’s target groups including media as well.
The aim of the conference was to present project partners, project activities, goals, project results, target groups, and activities and results achieved so far such as the production of promotional material, procurement of technical equipment and preparations for the establishment of educational and demonstration field. The project will establish a cross border business cluster and develop a network for cooperation and knowledge exchange between the private, public and scientific sectors. The competencies of the unemployed and companies will also be improved through training and mentoring programs.
Project centrikomNET was approved within the Priority Axis 4 – Enhancing competitiveness and developing business environment in the Programme area. The main objective of this project is to strengthen business support organizations in Zenica-Doboj canton (BA), Vukovar- Srijem County (HR) and Podgorica (ME) territory by applying innovative models and approaches in enhancement of competitiveness of local SMEs.
Project centrikomNET is co-financed by ERDF and IPA II funds of the European Union through Interreg IPA CBC Programme Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2014-2020. The total value of the project is EUR 659.563,58, out of which EUR 560.629,03 is co-financed by the EU. The project will be implemented in 24 months. More information about the project may be found here.