Programme launching conference held at hotel Radisson Blu Resort in Split marked the beginning of the implementation of Interreg IPA CBC Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro for financial period 2014-2020. At the conference, the welcome speeches were given by Mr Zlatko Ževrnja, Split-Dalmatia county prefect, Ms Olja Georis, Head of Managing Authority, Ms Ines Kos, Director of Agency for Regional Development of the Republic of Croatia, Mr Andrea Mairate, Head of Unit within Directorate General for Regional Policy on behalf of the European Commission, Ms Marija Vučković, Assistant Minister at Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds on behalf of Croatian National Authority, Ambassador Mr Aleksandar Andrija Pejović, State Secretary for European Integration, Chief Negotiator for Montenegro’s Accession to EU and National IPA Coordinator on behalf of the Montenegrin National Authority and Ms Nada Bojanić from Directorate for European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina on behalf of the National Authority of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The presentation about the Cooperation Programme was delivered by Ms Anđelka Hajdek, Head of Service within Managing Authority, the presentation about the 1st Call for Proposals was delivered by Ms Božana Bešlić, Head of Joint Secretariat whereas presentation of the project “STONE” from 2007-2013 perspective was given by Mihaela Tomašević from Split-Dalmatia County Regional Development Agency.
The conference was attended by more than 200 national, regional, local and other relevant stakeholders from all three countries participating in the Programme.
The presentations delivered at the conference can be downloaded here:
Cooperation Programme
1st Call for Proposals
Project “STONE”
The final conference of the Interreg IPA cross-border Programme Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2014 – 2020
At the final conference of the Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2014-2020, entitled “Shaping the future together” which was held on 12 December