Healthy Eating Pre Schools Children



657.923,36 EUR



The main goal of the project is to improve the children’s health by promoting an efficient and well-functioning food safety and quality control system that leads to improved public health and to provide support to public health institutions to evaluate eating habits, energy and nutrient intake in the preschool population.The project is establishing 4 counseling centers for pre-school children and their parents in order to provide guidance on healthy nutrition and importance of physical activity. In order to improve food offer in preschool institutions, project aims to enhance existing laboratories for food quality control with new equipment and to develop software for computer analysis of nutritional content of meals and for meal planning.


Lead Partner, Primary Health Care Center Bar (ME), is responsible for the overall coordination of the project activities across the border and organizing joint meetings with project partners, regular information exchange and correspondence and reporting obligations. It also has an important role in education of preschool children, parents, preschool teachers, cooks and food handlers in preschools. The aim of those education activities is to foster capacity building within the food safety health approach with provision of information and services that promote the continuous improvement of child nutrition programs and health.

Project Partner 2, Institute of Public Health of Šibenik-Knin County (HR), is providing expertise to the project partner institutions and is playing a key role in educating preschool children, parents, preschool teachers and public health nurses. It is also assisting other project partners in improving laboratory quality assurance programs and advise them in the following areas: developing, validating, and implementing analytical methods; food chemistry; legal EU requirements; chemical and microbiological issues.

Project Partner 3, Institute of Public Health of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), is providing expertise, technical and logistical support, as well as infrastructure needed for the project implementation. It is playing a key role in both educational activities focused on children, parents and teachers and in improvement of work of school food services. The Institute is also providing laboratory control of food safety and quality of services related to project activities.

Project Partner 4, Ministry of Labour, Health, Social Welfare and Displaced Persons of Herzeg – Bosnian Canton (BA) is providing technical and logistical support for the implementation of the planned project activities. It is responsible for organisation of relevant educational programs, as well as laboratory testing and control of food safety. It is also in charge of initiating, developing and maintaining communication with pre-school and school facilities and developing and promoting relevant procedures and recommendations regarding introduction of the nutritional counseling for children and food safety standards in the facilities serving food to children. This project partner is also conducting targeted media campaigns about recommended approaches to child nutrition, best practices and sharing information about the project results.


Project HEPSC kicked off!

The online kick-off meeting of the project HEPSC – „Healthy Eathing Preschools Children“ took place on 16 December 2020. The aim of the meeting was to present the project, planned

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