The challenge this project aims to tackle arises as a result of treatment of patients with pharmacoresistant epilepsy and advanced stage Parkinson’s disease. Patients diagnosed with these diseases in the Programme area are often referred to Clinical Hospitals in Zagreb or Rijeka. On one hand, centralization of medical services is seen as a challenge, and on the other, it is accompanied by a number of incorrect or incomplete diagnoses. This has results on the efficiency of reference centers, as well as it overloads their capacities, causing a risk of wrong diagnoses. The project aims to offer a solution to this problem by establishing an ICT-based network that will enable audio-visual communication, remote diagnosis, medical data exchange, second-opinions, consultations and other medical services between reference centers and hospitals on a real-time basis. The outputs of this network are improvement of health-services, transfer of best practices to hospitals in the region and reduction of transport of patients and improvement of their quality of life.