Invest in LOG

Invest in Lipik, Orašje & Garešnica

731.906,95 EUR



The economy in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia is burdened by low competitiveness, low export and low levels of foreign investments, which results in the region’s poor business environment. The consequence of this situation is that the countries have failed to reach the EU growth rate of SMEs and in 2008 recorded a declining trend in SMEs and total employment. In this point of development, the Invest in LOG partnership recognized several challenges that will be jointly addressed: lack of entrepreneurial skills and networking initiatives, shortage of promoting investment locations and underdeveloped cooperation with business support institutions. The partnership plans to answer these challenges by developing an effective entrepreneurial ecosystem and focusing on strengthening the role of SMEs and business support institutions. The first joint cooperation of cities Lipik, Orašje and Garešnica will result in newly set up virtual incubators, a platform for internalization of SMEs and three reconstructed buildings to be used as business support institutions.


The lead partner, Municipality of Orašje (BA), is in charge of setting up the Entrepreneurial center Orašje. Besides the construction work that will renovate the underused building, the lead partner will draft the Action plan for internalization of SME’s and organise economic fairs in Orašje.

Local Development Agency – Business Center Garešnica (CRO) will set up the Entrepreneurial center Garešnica, the Business incubator and provide support in setting up the Virtual incubator.

City of Lipik (CRO) is in charge of setting up the Business incubator in Lipik, with the goal of improving the structure and quality of business services in the Lipik.


Partners have organized a series of educational programs and study visits covering transfer of business knowledge and internationalization of SMEs:

Virtual tour of Orašje’s business zone:

Photos, videos and materials published on this website are property of the Invest in LOG project and are used with the permission of project partners.

Project partners can be contacted via project website:

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